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CVV, CVV2, or Card Verification Value. Refers to either magnetic stripe data or printed number security feature located on the back of payment card. If you require this CVV, it will cut down on the use of card numbers stolen from credit card statements or plucked off of the Internet. Of course, if the thief has the actual credit card, then requiring the CVV has no benefit. Data element on a card’s magnetic stripe that uses secure cryptographic process to protect data integrity on the stripe, and reveals any alteration or counterfeiting. Referred to as CAV, CVC, CVV, or CSC depending on payment card brand. The following list provides the terms for each card brand:
§   CAV – Card Authentication Value (JCB payment cards)
§   CVC – Card Authentication Value (JCB payment cards)
§   CVV – Card Validation Code (MasterCard payment cards)
§   CSC – Card Security Code (American Express)
For Discover, JCB, MasterCard, and Visa payment cards, the second type of card verification value or code is the rightmost three-digit value printed in the signature panel area on the back of the card. For American Express payment cards, the code is a four-digit unembossed number printed above the PAN on the face of the payment cards. The code is uniquely associated with each individual piece of plastic and ties the PAN to the plastic. The following list provides the terms for each card brand:
§   CID – Card Identification Number (Amex, Discover)
§   CAV2 – Card Authentication Value 2 (JCB payment cards)
§   CVC2 – Card Validation Code 2 (MasterCard payment cards)
§   CVV2 – Card Verification Value 2 (Visa payment cards)
MasterCard, Maestro & Cirrus call this a CVC, or Card Validation Code. A card security feature. CVC 1 is a three-digit value encoded on Tracks 1 and 2 in three contiguous positions in the discretionary data field of a magnetic stripe on a MasterCard card, Maestro branded card, or Cirrus branded card. CVC 2 is indent-printed into the tamper-evident signature panel on a MasterCard card. Chip CVC is a three-digit value encoded in the Track 2 Equivalent Data field in three contiguous positions within the discretionary data field of the chip on a MasterCard card, Maestro branded card, or Cirrus branded card. The CVC is intended to inhibit the alteration or misuse of card data and enhance the authentication of the card.
CVV/CVV2 Response Code Definitions
§   Space — CVV2 processing not requested
§   M — CVV2/CVC2 Match
§   N — CVV2/CVC2 not matched
§   P — Not processed
§   S — CVV2 should be printed on the card, but it was indicated that the value was not present
§   U — Issuer does not support CVV2
§   X — Service provider did not respond

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